
Welcome to our factory shop !

Finally  our new, long-awaited shop at the factory in Häradsbygden is ready. It is three times the size of the previous one.

Here you’ll find everything from drinks, cold cuts, sweets and household items to souvenirs and more. It’s a bit of a dream come true for us.

To mention a few of our suppliers on the food side we have Grådö mejeri where we have e.g. milk, butter and their fine cheeses, Siljans chark with a very wide range of sausages and more, Mora Bryggeri’s drinks including svagdricka, Tillman’s fine marmalades and drinks, Siljan’s salmon, Murboanna’s cheese, etc. For those looking for genuine craftsmanship, there are products from several well-known suppliers such as Jobs Handtryck, Crona Craft’s fine blankets, Käck and Hedby’s smide, Falu Ljusstöperi, Nittsjö Keramik, etc. Last but not least there is a large selection of Dala horses from Nils Olsson in Nusnäs and many nice souvenirs from Leksands IF.

Stina and her staff wishes you a warm welcome.

Recommended 2023 Leksands Knäckebröd AB Restaurant Guru

Please keep your distance from those closest to you.

Please maintain good hand hygiene.

Take a look inside the shop

Opening hours Factory shop

Måndag – fredag: 09.00-18.00

Lördag – söndag 10.00-16.00

Café/ knäckeria 

Lördag – söndag 10.00 – 15.30



Visiting Address:

  • Gärde stationsvägen 11
    793 50 Leksand

  • 0247 – 448 20
